
Membership opened July 1.

Yes - you can always send your roster to Margie Schwartz and she will upload it for you.

For your convenience, you can pay using a credit or debit card (Square) at the time of the form submission. Or you can send a check afterwards to Margie Schwartz, Membership Director.

Please be sure your check is addressed to ICCA

℅ Margie Schwartz, Membership Director
3 Parker Drive
Mt. Vernon, IL 62864

Membership is $75 if paid prior to 11/30/24. Beginning 12/1/24 - you can still become a member, but the membership fee is $125.

This does happen from time to time in which case you would need to provide payment to the region rep at the invitational for your membership. Once your mailed check has been received by the Membership Director, that check will be returned to you. The easiest way to ensure your membership is processed quickly is to complete your membership form early and use the PayPal option.

Margie Schwartz, Membership Director, will send you a receipt when she receives your paid membership via Paypal or check. This receipt will be sent to your email that you put on your membership form submission. You can also check the website: under membership to ensure your school and team is there and that we have you listed in the correct divisions.

Yes, but you will have to pay a higher fee for the ICCA invitational and you will not be able to qualify for the ICCA Championships.

Just send the changes to Margie Schwartz and she can update your membership.

ICCA membership opens many doors for you and your athletes!

  • Ability to qualify and compete at ICCA Championships
  • Your senior athletes can apply for college scholarships awarded each year at our Championships
  • All-State program for your junior and senior high school athletes to apply to
  • UnSung Hero Award - you can nominate one of your athletes who may not get noticed frequently who always support others and do not seek recognition for themselves
  • Recognition of your senior and 8th grade athletes as Scholar Athletes at the Championships reduced entry fee into ICCA sponsored invitationals
  • Coaches education - coaches conference in the spring with sessions to help you improve your coaching skills as well as your program; coaches education center on the ICCA website, mentoring program an ICCA representative in your area to help you as you navigate the season
  • You, the coach, could be nominated as “Coach of the Year” which is awarded annually at our Coaches Conference


Championships will be held at the Bank of Springfield Convention Center in Springfield, IL on January 10 and January 11.

Only teams who hold a current ICCA membership and earn a qualifying score at an ICCA Invitational can compete at Championships.

No.  Your team can qualify for Championships at any ICCA Invitational in the state of Illinois that is a qualifying Invitational.   

The Invitationals that are competitions that your team can qualify for Championships are Alton, Pontiac, Highland, Rockford Guilford, Pinckneyville, Farmington, Mt. Vernon, Marian Catholic, Edwardsville, Peoria and Wilmington.

The championship qualifying score for the routine division is 75% for junior high and junior varsity teams and 80% for varsity teams. The championship qualifying score for the game day division is 70% for junior high and junior varsity teams and 75% for varsity teams.

All varsity teams compete on Saturday. Junior high and junior varsity teams compete on Sunday.

After your team qualifies at an invitational, Cindy Rueter will send you an email that will include the link to the registration and a password that allows you to fill out the registration form. There is a deadline to register for each invitational so make sure to look at the deadline listed in the email and posted on the website. There is a $50 late charge for any team that does not meet the deadline.

The cost is $250 for a team to compete in the routine division. The cost is $125 for a team to compete in the game day division. If a team wants to compete in both the routine division and game day division, the cost is $350.

Payment must be sent in before championships in order to compete. You can send a check to Cindy Rueter at 630 Lakefield Drive, Columbia IL 62236 or you can pay with square on the registration form.

You must submit a signed permission slip for each athlete competing. You must also submit a team photo and a team roster. You will submit these items when you fill out the registration form so have these items prepared ahead of time.

Cindy Rueter will send you a confirmation email stating she received the payment, team roster, team photo, and permission slips. You can also check the website: under championships where a spreadsheet will be listed for you to check the progress of your registration.

All information will be posted on the website including a schedule of events and competition times.

Registration takes place at the Abraham Lincoln Hotel. Registration times are Friday, January 10th from 6-9 pm; Saturday, January 11th from 7:30-11:00 am, 1:00-2:00 pm and 4:00-6:00 pm; Sunday, January 12th from 7:30-11:00 am and 1:00-2:00pm.

Game day teams will compete in the morning and the awards for the game day division will be during the lunch break of each day of competition. Awards for the varsity teams will be at the end of the day on Saturday and awards for the junior high and junior varsity teams will be at the end of the day on Sunday.

Score sheets will be sent to the coach’s email provided on the Championships registration form after the awards ceremony is complete.

Programs will be sold at Championships for $5. Teams can place ads in the program to showcase their team. A double page ad costs $400; a full page ad costs $275; half page ad costs $175; fourth page ad costs $100; eighth page ad with only text costs $50.

Silkworm, Inc. who is the ICCA official vendor will be at Championships selling merchandise. Silkworm will have an online store available for preorders for those teams who have qualified for Championships. This online store will be posted on the ICCA website. Wagner Portrait Group will have team photos and action shots for sale. You can also buy videos of both days of Championships.


All-State, Scholarship, Scholar Athlete, and Unsung Hero submissions are due on November 30th. Coach of the Year nominations are due February 15th. Hall of Fame nominations are due February 15th on the odd numbered years.

In order to apply for All-State or Scholarship, you must be a member of a team who holds a current ICCA membership and compete in at least one ICCA invitational in the current year.

For All-State, any junior or senior may submit an application. For Scholarship, only seniors may submit an application.

Scholarship and All-State submissions must be done separately but the same video can be uploaded into their respective applications.

No, the scholarship and/or All-State applications must have the video submitted with the application by November 30th.

Fill out the form online with the information for who is responsible for academic records at your school. Then be sure to give to the person (registrar or counselor) who is submitting the athletes who qualify, the email below. Athletes who qualify must have a 3.5 or higher out of 4.0, or a 4.5 or higher out of 5.0 GPA in order to be honored. Registrar, counselor, etc

The Unsung Hero Award is a recognition for a current ICCA team member who exemplifies courage, perseverance, conviction, selflessness, compassion and concern for others without expecting recognition. These qualities can be seen through school or community. Recommendations for this award can come from a coach, teacher or community member.

Coach of the Year nominations can be submitted by another coach, athletic director, administrator or team members (past or present). Nominated coaches need to have coached for at least 7 years.

Hall of Fame nominations are made by current Hall of Fame members and/or current Board of Directors. Those chosen should have the distinction of being a longtime coach, an official, or a board member with 15 years or more of service to ICCA. This award is given in odd numbered years if nominations are received.

The ICCA Outstanding Service Award is recognition given to a member of the Board of Directors (past or present) who has shown willingness to go above and beyond to serve ICCA. This award is given in honor of Pam Dorner-Saxhaug who is one of the founders of ICCA. Nominations are made by members of the Board of Directors (past or present) and are voted on by the same.